#1 If you run low on battery , put your phone on Airplane mode and It will charge must faster. Try it!
#2 Adding Vodka on your shampoo can strengthen your hair, remove dandruff and prevent dry scalp. Only drinking may be injurious. :P
#3 If you are coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop.
#4 Want to lose weight? Don't eat anything 4 hours before you go to bed. It makes huge difference.
#5 Want a whiter teeth? Gently rub the inside of a banana peel around your teeth for two minutes will absorb into your teeth and whiten them.
#6 If a website is blocked on your school or work, you can use Google Translate as a proxy. Just copy/paste the url into it.
#7 Life Saving Tip - Never sleep naked. If there is some kind of emergency, it might be too late to put something on.
#8 Ever wonder a way to avoid crying while chopping onions? Chew Gum!
#9 Your phone emits a radiation that's 1100 times stronger when battery is low. So try to avoid answering it when its less than 15%.
#10 Tried of studying same thing again and again to remember? Study notes within one day of taking them. Retention rates are 60% higher then.